sexta-feira, 4 de novembro de 2011

Reino Unido Restringe Lei do Aborto I

Abortion rules to be tightened in biggest shake-up for a generation

The Department of Health is to announce plans for a new system of independent counselling for women before they finally commit to terminating a pregnancy. The move is designed to give women more “breathing space”.

Pro-life campaigners suggest the change could result in up to 60,000 fewer abortions each year in Britain. Last year, 202,400 were carried out.

The plan would introduce a mandatory obligation on abortion clinics to offer women access to independent counselling, to be run on separate premises by a group which does not itself carry out abortions.

Critics of abortion clinics claim that the counselling they offer is biased because they are run as businesses — a claim denied by the clinics.

But abortion charities said they feared the proposals would prolong the period before an abortion took place, and that the motive was simply to reduce the number of terminations and was not in the best interests of women.

O Ministério da Saúde pretende anunciar um plano para um novo sistema deaconselhamento prévio das mulheres que pretendem abortar. As mudanças visamdar às mulheres mais "espaço para respirar".

O plano deverá introduzir a exigência de um aconselhamento por entidadeindependente [das clínicas de aborto], realizado em instalações diferentes epor uma equipa que não realiza abortos. Os críticos das clínicas abortistasdefendem que o "aconselhamento" realizado por estas está enviesado na medidaem que estas são geridas como qualquer negócio privado [...].

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