sexta-feira, 30 de janeiro de 2009

"I’ve paid for three of them and was responsible for probably several more"

Gary Graham é um actor de Hollywood. Recentemente desempenhou papéis nas séries "Star Trek" e "JAG". O testemunho que se apresenta de seguida é um excerto de um texto mais longo, recentemente publicado, que merece ser lido na totalidade:

"In the sixties and seventies I was a proud part of the peace generation. ... Wow, really? You mean you can be cool, have a lot of sex…and save the world all at the same time? Damn this is so f*cking bitchen! ...

But wait – I’m in college. ... I really just want to party. Oops, I mean… I want to help save the world! Through drugs, sex and rock and roll. ...

I kept a roster of seven girlfriends. Why seven? I don’t know…maybe Lucky Number 7 (yeah maybe)…or seven days in a week (more likely). But I would meet someone new, and I would simply go through my list…and kick one girl off. I would simply stop calling her. ... and I knew I wasn’t alone…not by a long shot. We were proud products of the Love Generation.

... And up until that point, I was completely ‘Pro-Choice’. ... this abortion thing was pretty damn convenient for a guy. ... Abortion as a method of birth control became the norm. I knew a few girls who had had as many as five of them by the time they were twenty-five...

And the first time I got a girl pregnant, I would have wrestled you to the ground for saying that
[It’s a baby]. How f*cking dare you? You don’t know what you’re talking about! You piece of crap, you don’t know!

Well I do know. And I stand condemned. I’ve paid for three of them and was responsible for probably several more, I’m not really sure. But it breaks my heart. Because I’ve been convicted in my soul. It took years after the fact, but I was shown the Truth.

[That fetus a pregnant woman is carrying inside of her, regardless of the gestation stage, is a living, breathing human being. Yes, breathing – the amniotic sac forms 12 days after conception, and in the second trimester the baby is actually breathing the amniotic fluid. It’s not an ‘unviable tissue mass.’ Not a wart, a mole, a skin outcropping, a boil, or a bundle of uncoordinated cells. It’s not just a ‘fetus’. It’s a baby. Not fully developed, true. Like an infant is not a fully developed and mature adult. But it’s a baby.]

... it was a spiritual awakening that did it. It happened unexpectedly, and it threw me to my knees in sudden tearful epiphany of what it meant for a man to be with a woman, what sex was really designed for by our Creator and… what abortion is.

How ironic that the ‘Love’ Generation should spawn such a culturally accepted abomination as abortion.

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